Welcome to 4 Life Quarters,

My name is Eddie Green. I launched this site to discuss a topic that is very important to many of us, life. The stresses of life in the past years have compelled me to weigh in on the social and economical issues facing our country today. I have been married for 29 years; the father of two children both over 21 years old, an electrical engineer for 31 years, an educator for 13 years, and a minister of the Gospel for 15 years. In November 2012, I started writing down my views on life. These views are based on conversations and interactions with people maneuvering through the river of life with or without paddles.

How do you advise and exhort people in various stages of life?

The minister in me said, just tell everyone to read the Bible everyday and do what it says. The engineer in me knew the answer was more complex than that. The engineer said, divide 100 years into 4 quarters and discuss each quarter. What you are seeing is a project I call 4 Life Quarters.  I gave each quarter a title and five categories. I have placed my comments into four booklets that are available only through this site.

This site will be used to comment on education, incarceration in America, teen pregnancy, suicide, child rearing, jobs and relationships. These are some of the thought provoking topics juxtapose to other points of view that are sure to encourage meaningful dialogue.  Join me on my blog.     


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